Hey friend,

So I decided to do something fun and do character profiles on some of Jesus’ disciples. And today we start with:

s i m o n • p e t e r

This guy was one of Jesus’ disciples and he was full of contradictions, he messed up a lot BUT he was still used in such amazing ways by God. If God can use a bold, impulsive, violent, fearful person as the rock that He built His church upon then He can most definitely use you

Peter (Simon Peter) was a fisherman but dropped everything to follow Jesus as a disciple and be a fisher of men.

He was the only one who had faith out of the 12 to step out of the boat and walk on water with Jesus, but once he was on the water fear overcame him and he started sinking. (Thankfully Jesus was there to catch him and pull him up)

He was a stumbling block for Jesus more focused on the world than on God. Jesus had to rebuke him, saying : “get behind me, Satan!”

He truly knew that Jesus was and still is the Messiah and was the rock and foundation that Christ built His church upon. The church that we have today.

He fell asleep multiple times in the garden of Gethsemane before Jesus was going to be taken away. He fell asleep in one of Jesus’ most anguished times.

He was the one who cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant in the garden of Gethsemane when Jesus was being arrested. Thankfully Jesus came to the rescue once again and healed the ear)

He said that he would never deny Jesus but then went on to do it three times in one night, when Jesus needed him the most.

BUT He didn’t stay there. He knew that he was wrong and wept bitterly. And he was fully restored and forgiven by Jesus before Jesus ascended back to heaven.

Peter was a walking contradiction but Jesus still used him. Sometimes we’re like Peter but you can still be used in powerful, powerful ways in the kingdom. You will screw up but you can’t stay there.💛

Also happy first day of June! Here’s a free check in printable for June to sort out your goals and things you want to improve.

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