Hey friend,

I am not usually very vocal about certain things but I have been so convicted. I cannot be silent with this. Jesus wasn’t silent about things that mattered, he was radical and did the hard things. I also just have to say that I am not going to victimize myself or act like I have it really really bad because the truth is I don’t there are a lot more other people of colour who have it much worse than me. But I am going to use what I have as much as I can. This is as much for me as it is for you.

I have to do better.

You have to do better.

We have to do better.

As people.

As humans.

As Jesus lovers.

As the church.

Yesterday with #blackouttuesday it was so beautiful scrolling through Instagram and just seeing black squares. I was just covered with this feeling of comfort and being seen, this feeling of unity and solidarity. I have definitely not showed up enough with regards to the Black Lives Matter movement but I can start today. I a black foreign woman and I have a voice, a perspective.

So thank you for posting a black square on social media but it cannot stay there, we can’t just leave everything there. You and I need to keep doing the internal work, having the conversations and turning to God. We have to keep educating ourselves and standing up for what’s right. So here are some good resources and ways to keep on going:

Educate yourself:

This Racial Reconciliation sermon by Ps. Mike Todd is such a good place to start:

This Me & White Supremacy by Layla F Saad is a long but good read, especially to do the internal work:

Keep the conversations going in your own personal circles and with those around you. (Warning it may not be easy or comfortable)

Everyone should watch this video (on privilege) :

Look at things in your own area/ country that need to be changed. In South Africa there has been:

Refugees and Asylum seekers not getting COVID-19 aid:

Petition for Refugees and Asylum seekers to get COVID-19 aid:

People killed by the SANDF and Police during the lockdown:

Things you can do in South Africa:

#WeChargeGenocide email template to send to the UN:

Justice for Breonna Taylor Petition:

Good movies + documentaries to watch:

The Hate U Give

13th Netflix documentary (full featured is available on YouTube):

Honestly check your own heart constantly for any internal biases and prejudices that you may have and change the narrative.

Dive into the Bible (especially the gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) and truly learn about who Jesus is and his characteristics. Truly get to know Him and choose to become more like Him.

Remember that the church is not a building but is made up of people. I am the church, you are the church. It starts with you and I. Choose to be the light of the world daily. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.

Listen to other perspectives and truly get to know how those different to you feel.

A beautiful extract by a really beautiful lady in my life:

A conversation on race, racism + being a black woman (coming Monday the 8th):ère/id1453413222


progress + relationship > perfection.

It’s better to take things one step at a time than to do nothing at all.

So I hope you do something today, friend. This quote by Alice Walker really, really struck me and is something that I’m trying to get better at: “Activism is my rent for living on the planet.”

Also, if you have any other resources or ways that we can help then please, please leave them in the comments below.💛 (the artwork in the feautured image is not mine, if you know who the artist is please let me know)

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